how does penelope regard antinous?

Odysseus is one of the few husbands who is told to have been loving and respectful to his wife. Eurymachus was an Ithacan nobleman and one of the two leading suitors of Penelope, the other being Antinous.He appears in The Blood of Olympus.. History. What does Penelope confide to Odysseus disguised as a beggar? Integrate context to support your commentary. Odysseus is unfazed by the blow and calls on the gods to kill Antinous. What danger to Odysseus' men do the lotus eaters pose? If so, how? Book 17. As standardly conceived, transcendental arguments are taken to be distinctive in involving a certain sort of claim, namely that X is a necessary condition for the possibility of Y—where then, given that Y is the case, it logically follows that X must be the case too. What did Zeus think of this response? main trouble maker and most arrogant of the suitors : who does Antinous want to kill? Her gentle mistress said: "Oh, Nan, they are a bad lot; they intend What means does Penelope decide she will use to … A) sewing B) weaving C) painting D) carving 4. When the Cyclops asked Odysseus' name, what did the hero tell him? Answers (1) Kaelah 9 October, 16:48. Odysseus is unfazed by the blow and calls on the gods to kill Antinous. Antinous is a character in Odyssey, where he was a suitor for Penelope. What does Odysseus tell Penelope about himself?He is a wanderer with a past to painful for him to reveal. Antinous suggests that they murder Telemachus as soon as they have the chance. He is rude, not respectful, a drunk, etc. Penelope says that usually Antinous struts about and shows off, but that as soon as he saw her he assumed the appearance of his own corpse, with an arrow in his neck. Why can’t the suitors find their weapons or armor? She holds to her faith, however, that her husband will return. 7. How does Antinous answer Telemachus's charges? Book 19 IMPORTANT CHARACTERS: Odysseus, Telemachus, Eurycleia, Penelope, Eurynome. A) He blames Telemachus's youth and cowardice. How does Odysseus describe Penelope's attitude toward him. Antinous responds that only the gods could give Telemachus the power to speak so courageously. How do the ancient Greek ideas in Penelope's speech about honoring the dead compare to modern ideas? He is rude, not respectful, a drunk, etc. 0. who makes Odysseus extremely angry? What did Zeus think of this response? Penelope (/ p ə ˈ n ɛ l ə p iː / pə-NEL-ə-pee; Greek: Πηνελόπεια, Pēnelópeia, or Greek: Πηνελόπη, Pēnelópē) is a character in Homer's Odyssey. [5] [6] Antinous is the most disrespectful of the suitors and is the one who devises a plan to murder Telemachus upon his return to Ithaca. English 1 Honors – Krug The Odyssey – Part 2 Answer Key Twenty What personality trait does Odysseus reveal when he divses a plan to listen to the Siren's song and yet escape destruction? 32. Odysseus said to the suitors, "_____ was all you had for the gods who rule wide heaven." She doesn't believe that he is actually him. Penelope does this because she realized that her husband would be in danger, in his current surroundings, if she was to reveal who he really was. Penelope regards Antinous as the worst suitor. Her name is traditionally associated with marital fidelity, as she is known for her fidelity to Odysseus, to whom she is married, despite having many … Revenge . He creates a battalion to kill Telemachus. Why do you think the gods choose to intervene? It is unclear whether the usage of \"you\" here by Homer is a mere rhetorical device, or if the poem is in some regard anchoring the reader to the story by assigning them the role of Eumaeus in the text. He ridicules him and treats him as an annoyance. B) He blames the "deathless gods" for Telemachus's woes. Characterize Penelope as a wife and mother. Odysseus’ speech indicates that physical force is appropriate when defending one’s property. Everyone knows that The Odyssey is concerned with the adventures of the Greek hero Odysseus (known in Latin as Ulysses) in his return home after taking part in the Trojan War. How does Penelope react to this information? What message did the birds (two eagles) deliver? Odysseus; he is the first suitor to be killed: who is Eurymachus? Hour: ____ … Why has this stopped? What does Odysseus tell Penelope about himself? How does Penelope regard Antinous? Also, Antinous is rude, obnoxious, and treats Odysseus poorly. D) He reminds Telemachus that even if Odysseus came … Telemachus took their weapons and armour from where they were kept and hid them. How do the ancient Greek ideas in Penelope’s speech about honoring the dead compare to modern ideas (lines 1324-1347)? Penelope, though, only thinks he is a pest. That is why we can state that he plays a minor role in the poem. What does Athena reveal to Odysseus about the situation he will find at home? What means does Penelope decide she will use to choose a husband? How do the other suitors respond to Antinous' behavior? How does Antinous, a suitor, react to Odysseus, who is disguised as a beggar? Antinous is a suitor who wants to marry Penelope. 1270 If all we pray for came to pass, not one would live till dawn!" Eurymachus, along with the majority of his fellow suitors, showed no regard for the Greek custom of xenia, or guest-friend hospitality; Eurymachus was arrogant, disrespectful, and consumed food and drink without the slightest reciprocation. How does Penelope regard Antinous? Explain the irony found in this action. English 1 Honors – Krug The Odyssey – Part 2 Answer Key Penelope and The Challenge How does Penelope regard Antinous? when defending one’s property. Penelope (/ p ə ˈ n ɛ l ə p iː / pə-NEL-ə-pee; Greek: Πηνελόπεια, Pēnelópeia, or Greek: Πηνελόπη, Pēnelópē) is a character in Homer's Odyssey. How was Penelope able to delay … What message did the birds (two eagles) deliver? 810-813) Archetype (pp. How does Odysseus feel at first when he discovered the suitors?, What does Odysseus find the palace filled with?, How does Odysseus kill Antinous?, What does Odysseus do to the suitors? ll 90-248 3. Modern society does not always follow a strict set of burial customs as people did in ancient Greece. Which of the suitors attempts to reassure her? Antinous? Whoever can string Odysseus' bow and shoot an arrow through twelve axhandle sockets. Whether Penelope recognizes her husband, on the other hand, is a matter of dispute. Although at times she seems to suspect who he is, she does not officially accept him — though he wins the contest of the giant bow (Book 21) and slays the suitors (Book 22) — until … 33. Copyright © 1999 - 2021 GradeSaver LLC. Characterize Telemachus. Sur ma page, je propose un mode de vie KetoZen agréable et … A scene that interrupts a sequence of events in a narrative to relate to earlier events, a long narrative poem about important events in the history or folklore of a nation or culture, What is the best way to define and "epic? The Land of the Dead (p. 969-974) 34. How does T. respond to Antinous? What do you learn about Penelope’s character? When the other suitors tell Antinous about how he has to be careful, it is ironic because Odysseus isn't really a god, but the chair breaks on his shoulder so the suitors think he is powerful. How does Odysseus tell his son to respond if the suitors "practice shots" on Odysseus? Tellemachus: does the reader ever have sympathy for Antinous? The other suitors scold Antinous for hitting the beggar in case he is a god in disguise, but he shrugs it off. does Antinous use to describe T.? +1. 12. Penelope is in a very dangerous situation when the suitors begin invading her house and asking — and then demanding — her hand in marriage. 742-745) Oysseus hides his true identity from penelope. Moi, c'est Emilie la maman derrière FamilleKeto. 2. (Books 1-4) 6. (2) she puts it on her lap and then weeps torrents (about her husband) How does Penelope address the Suitors? At the end of the Cyclops adventure, what does Polyphemeus do that has an important impact on future events in the epic? Regardless of intent, the effect of the language, particularly in modern times, is notable in that it gives the reader stake and place in a world that might otherwise feel too foreign to be relatable. Francisco Pereira ELA A-B 1. How does this behavior suggest the trickster archetype? She recognizes the beggar as her long lost husband and chooses not to unveil his true identity. one of Penelope’s suitors: how is Eurymachus described? What means does Penelope decide she will use to choose a husband? Athena often comes to her in dreams to reassure or comfort her, for Penelope would otherwise spend her nights weeping in her bed. (Penelope to Antinous 2. from the Odyssey, Part -in. Penelope sends Eumaeus to bring the beggar to her. Odysseus had also wished that Antinous would die before his … Part 2: The Return of Odysseus: Penelope (pp. What noise does the door of the store room make? The others give Odysseus food, and he praises Antinous' appearance and starts a story about how he was once rich, too. The charges were that he overstayed in Penelope's house, and his answer was that Penelope has caused that by her trick of weaving a funeral material longer than necessary. How does Penelope regard Antinous? Why is Telemachus initially doubtful that the man before him is Odysseus, his father? Is he justified? What human weakness does Odysseus reveal as he sails away? C) He blames Penelope's flirtation and fickleness. 9. How does this affect our reactions in the narrative that follows? 10. Antinous dies by odysseus killing him because Antinous was disloyal and Odysseus says that anyone who is disloyal must be killed and Antinous showed disloyalty by throwing a chair at the beggar (Odysseus). Homer doesn’t explain the essence and reasons for such behavior. How does Book 16 end? How was Penelope able to delay marriage for three years? Although he is charismatic, Eurymachus is deceitful. What do you learn about Penelope’s character? 0. How does Antinous treat Odysseus when he first meets him?He treats him poorly. Part 2: The Return of Odysseus: Penelope (pp. [7] 742-745) Oysseus hides his true identity from penelope. Antinous interrupts him, orders him out, and hits his shoulder with his stool. Though her love for Odysseus is unyielding, she responds to the suitors with some indecision. Which of the following is the best synonym for "assuage? Antinous laughs at the insult . ll 90-248 3. Why does odysseus want to test his servants and his wife before revealing his true identity. What does xenia (hospitality) look like? How does odysseus regard his wife penelope? What is Odysseus's response/reaction to Antinous? 2. How does Penelope regard Antinous? Antinous definition, the chief suitor of Penelope, killed by Odysseus upon his return from Troy. Amphinomus, however, voices his concern that their plans might anger the gods. In lines 532-533, what details here suggest that the source of wind was mysterious to ancient Greeks? How does Penelope learn of what the suitors are thinking? Telemacheia: Story of the development of an adolescent becoming a basileus. Odysseus shot Antinous under the chin with his bow and arrow. Penelope thinks Antinous is really mean and worthless Describe the relationship between Gods and Humans. Which of the suitors treats Odysseus poorly? What conflicting values does the exchange in lines 1219-1235 between Antinous and Odysseus reveal? When Penelope asks where the beggar is from, does she get an answer right away? 4. How does Penelope regard . Antinous Antinous , son of Eupheithes, is the first of the suitors to speak in the epic and the first to die upon Odysseus' return. Penelope regards Antinous as the worst suitor. The Odyssey. What means does Penelope decide she will use to choose a husband? The Challenge. How do the ancient Greek ideas in Penelope’s speech about honoring the dead compare to modern ideas? Think about Antinous’ characteristics. How does Antinous react to the beggar (who is really Odysseus) when he says to him, "a pity that you have more looks than heart" (1219). Beside above, how does Penelope feel about Antinous? Why does Odysseus blind the Cyclops instead of killing him? That of a bull: What does Penelope do when she takes the bow? He got what he deserved because he was very rude to everyone else and he wanted to kill Telemachus which made Odysseus very angry. Eating the lotus will make the men forget about returning home. See more. How was Penelope able to delay marriage for three years? Antinous is wooing his wife Penelope. Odysseus therefore set his eyes upon Penelope, another beautiful princess, although not as beautiful as Helen. 5. … Amphinomus Both the Greeks and Antinous interrupts him, orders him out, and hits his shoulder with his stool. Antinous? Antinous interrupts him, orders him out, and hits his shoulder with his stool. In her room, Penelope hears the blow and wishes ill will upon Antinous. Penelope rebukes Antinous 2. 1. ", It consists of a single independent clause. If so, how? 810-813) Archetype (pp. What epithet (look it up!) no: who is Antinous killed by? If not, why not? Source(s) GradeSaver Homer, Odyssey 16.420). Why do you think Odysseus chooses not to reveal his identity to Penelope? Antinous, however, used force for an inappropriate reason. Antinous replies that Penelope is to blame for the suitors' behavior. Answers (1) Kaelah 9 October, 16:48. Who extends it? Penelope, his wife, finds herself with 108 suitors. Why not? What Does Theoclymenus prophesy to penelope. What epithet (look it up!) Describe Penelope's confrontation with Antinous. A) Eumaeus B) Antinous C) Athena D) Eupeithes 2. Odysseus is one of the few husbands who is told to have been loving and respectful to his wife. How does T. respond to Antinous? How has Penelope delayed marriage for 3 years? Help is so super appreciated!!! How does Odysseus’ chiding of his true identity from Penelope suggest the trickster archetype? Eurymachus was an Ithacan nobleman and one of the two leading suitors of Penelope, the other being Antinous.He appears in The Blood of Olympus.. History. What does she want to ask him? 5. Throws a footstool. What admirable quality does Odysseus show by dividing the sheep among his men? 9. In the meantime, rowdy suitors, thinking him dead, have invaded his palace, are feasting at his expense, and are vying for the hand of Odysseus's wife, Penelope. 4. What does Eurymachos offer, … But the herald Medon 5 overheard the SUITORS' debate, and warned Penelope, who called Antinous 2 to account saying: "How dare you plot against Telemachus' life and dishonour the obligations that a past act of mercy imposes—bonds that are ratified by Zeus himself and make all enmity between you two a sacrilege?" Keeping this in view, what is Penelope like in the Odyssey? Who abuses it? Why does Antinous become angry with Odysseus? Her name is traditionally associated with marital fidelity, as she is known for her fidelity to Odysseus, to whom she is … "In the next land we found were Cyclops, giants, louts, without a law to bless them.". Amongst the suitors was Odysseus, son of Laertes, but the Ithacan soon realised that his claim was overshadowed by many other Suitors of Helen. 31. How does Penelope regard Antinous? Penelope comes to the fore at a time when potential suitors for Helen, daughter of Tyndareus, were gathering in Sparta. He is Penelope’s suitor. 35. Integrate context to support your commentary. What does Odysseus finally tell Penelope? (Books 1-4) 7. Which of these episode's does Odysseus lose all his men? ", He begs his father, Posideon, to curse Odysseus. Athena, Telemachus, Eumaeus, and other herdsmen. Coucou ! How does Penelope regard Antinous? She told the suitors that she would have to finish weaving before she could marry. What does she want to ask him? Here is a general question to keep in mind as you read the first four books of The Odyssey. English 1 Honors – Krug The Odyssey – Part 2 Answer Key Penelope and The Challenge How does Penelope regard Antinous? Athena must distract her, for instance, so that she does not discover Odysseus’s identity when Eurycleia is washing him. 1 Story 2 Suitors 2.1 Suitors fromDelichium 2.2 From Same 2.3 From Zacynthus 2.4 From Ithaca Penelope's husband Odysseus, king of Ithaca, went off to fight in the Trojan War. How does Penelope regard Antinous? How do the ancient Greek ideas in Penelope’s speech about honoring the dead compare to modern ideas (lines 1324-1347)? (Books 1-4) 5. 154 talking about this. How does this behavior suggest the trickster archetype? Penelope. Both the Greeks and people in modern times have rituals that honor the dead. Unfaithful Penelope This separation is perhaps because Penelope was not the faithful wife normally referred to, with the belief being that Penelope had slept with Antinous, or Amphinomus. 3. 11. “Penelope” 3.

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