Collateral damage Vietnam War

When I was injured by a fragmentation bomb, an American helicopter took me to the hospital in Da Nang where they operated on my eye. But, after retiring in May 2001, I realized I must tell my Vietnam stories before I too was gone. There was no school. In 1965 I was a beautiful woman, not like now. Agent Orange: Collateral Damage in Vietnam, Black & White, Children, Philip Jones-Griffiths, Sickness, War Philip Jones Griffiths | Agent Orange: Collateral Damage in Vietnam Nine-month-old Hoang Huu Cung, was born with a harelip. Don’t the American people even know why?In 1965, I was a small child. They destroyed the land. The Americans would cut off the hair of the older people. The dikes were bombed in seventy-one places–they were very important for flood control. The camp was terrible–very bad conditions. "collateral veins" meaning veins running parallel to each other, or "collateral security" meaning security additional to the main obligation in a contract). This dangerous euphemism saw service again during the two US-led invasions of Iraq and is now proffered as justification for the carnage inflicted from the air on the people of Lebanon.Who, after all, would say of a child whose limbs have been torn away by high explosives that he or she has been ‘damaged’?© Irish Examiner Ltd, Linn Dubh, Assumption Road, Blackpool, Cork. The boys had been playing on the road when the Americans came through, and shot them.You do not bring the enemy to the peace table by just killing military combatants. The caption reads: “Wendell, Semper Fi.

They had a list of people suspected of belonging to the V.C. This isn't Griffiths' first foray into (visually) documenting the Vietnam War. Antiwar protesters blocked the street, in front and behind the bus. ... is what they’ve had to do and see over in Vietnam, the beloved comrades they lost in the war, those soul-crushing moments in which they lost their innocence. I drove through North Chicago, past Buckley Road, beneath its pitted steel girders with the sign pointing toward Great Lakes Naval Center.

We were brought out in the sun, pushed to our knees and made to draw up our arms, as they cut off our hair. To be fair, the Vietnamese didn’t send troops to invade America. They are military targets. These were Americans from the Fifth Regiment of the Marine Forces.During the twelve days of bombing over Hanoi at Christmastime 1972,  2,027 people were killed, 263 missing, 1,355 wounded. We remember the war. It is a total myth. So, let’s go back to the beginning of this article and refresh ourselves with what Nick Turse said. Leave your own reality behind, and stay in the room and listen to human suffering that nearly wiped out three generations.The Americans came in trucks.

Collateral Damage. The same Vietnamese village might be bombed year after year after year. ‘Collateral damage’ is, of course, a Pentagon euphemism coined during the Vietnam war to justify the trail of death left in the wake of B52 bombers. To attack his concentrated areas always results in high casualties and excessive collateral damage which enforces his will to continue. Here are the results of the U.S. spraying the virulently poisonous chemical Agent Orange over these countries. But I always believed that we would win.Around September 1969, when we fought the battle at Vinh Dien, after we withdrew the Americans came and rounded up the people, and they tortured them and beat them. They lived here, and worked their whole lives here. They came from all directions, and we didn’t know where to run.

Philip Jones Griffiths | Agent Orange: Collateral Damage in Vietnam Nine-month-old Hoang Huu Cung, was born with a harelip. We were calm, I don’t know why. Five hundred and fifty thousand people out of a population of seven hundred thousand were evacuated from Hanoi.They put everyone in a camp. Modern war affects civilians far more and far longer than combatants.I joined the army in 1969. After 1954, it was restored and became the biggest hospital in North Vietnam. I recalled those first days at Great Lakes Naval Hospital and how everything blurred—clean sheets, pain, no more fear, guilt about coming home.

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Collateral damage Vietnam War