why don t baptists drink or dance

For instance, in the recent CBF General Assembly there was a workshop titled, “Baptists Learning to Dance.” While this is the reality for some Baptists, it is not for many others around the world who feel very comfortable dancing. Why I Left The Baptist Church. Vote Now 3. The Baptist church believes in Baptism only after a person has professed Christ as their Savior. Answer Save. Anonymous. Not all Baptists believe drinking in moderation is sinful, I don't. American Baptist worldwide mission work is a response to Christ’s call to “make disciples of all nations.” It's the idea that both can, because of human imperfection, lead to sin. Ok I think I get it: So it's not that Drinking in and of itself is wrong, nor is dancing. American Baptists also celebrate the special gifts of all believers, testifying that God can use each of us in ministry. A Southern Baptist study has shown that in the 1990s, 46 percent of members drink alcohol (Hailey, 1992). I grew up in NC too (eastern, hence the name obx-fan) It somewhat depends on which flavor of Baptist church one attends. I don't see any biblical support yet and I've looked at all the verses people use to say it's sinful. The main belief in the Baptist church is Baptism. Relevance. What is stupid is over-generalizing and saying Baptists are stupid for believing that drinking and dancing is a sin when you don't have a personal relationship with every Baptist alive to see if they truly are stupid. Primitive Baptists draw their beliefs directly from the 1611 King James Version of the Bible. *eyeroll* Hello pot. . Investigation shows that although people knew of the danger in alcohol, throughout history, Christian prohibition is a new, and rather American, phenomenon. Dancing was banned in the church I attended as a youth. 4. Through the years and different experiences, I have learned to see dancing as part of culture. 11:25, where Christ is quoted as having said, "this do, as oft as ye drink it, ;in remembrance of me," and conclude that they are left at liberty to take it when they are pleased to do so. Some Southern Baptists dance and some don't. This is why there is such a variation of beliefs from one Baptist church to another. 11 Answers. 1 decade ago. ALERT: When Do You Think Christ Is Returning? Separation of Church and State: Baptists have led the way in the struggle for freedom of religion and separation of church and state in the U.S. and other countries. ." And saying dancing is sinful is beyond ridiculous. Why don't many Baptists drink or dance? ... Don't … But that was a long time ago, and the dance they preached as the devil's creation was the "Twist". Seventy-five percent of Southern Baptist pastors and 58 percent of SBC laity agreed that “when a Christian does not drink alcohol, this makes non-believers who see this more interested in Jesus Christ.” Among the poll’s other findings: — 3 percent of Southern Baptist pastors drink alcohol while 29 percent of Southern Baptist laity do so. 5 American Baptists take seriously the call to evangelism and missionary work. Update: AH. It depends on the type of dance. meet kettle. They read in I Cor. Favorite Answer. Their services are modeled on the early New Testament church with preaching, praying, and … The Bible plainly states, "upon the first day of the week . (right?) Some churches use a sprinkling of water as Baptism, but most practice full immersion, where the candidate is fully immersed in water.This symbolizes the disciples’ own baptism as stated in John 3. I don't know when this was started. The Baptism symbolizes the cleansing of sins. a strict moral standard is not akin to being stupid. If they can't support it with Scripture, Primitive Baptists don't follow it.

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