summa theologica outline

3 - Whether the Blessed Virgin can be called Christ's Mother in respect of His temporal nativity? 7 - Whether there is delight in contemplation? 4 - Whether the active life remains after this life? 4 - Whether the superior angel enlightens the inferior as regards all he himself knows? Article. Article. 8 - Whether every man desires happiness? 31 - OF DELIGHT CONSIDERED IN ITSELF [*Or, Pleasure] (EIGHT ARTICLES). From the point of view of the first cause, all is unchangeable, although from the limited point of view of the secondary cause, miracles may be spoken of. It is a compendium of all of the main theological teachings of the Catholic Church, intended to be an instructional guide for theology students, including seminarians and the literate laity. 5 - Whether Christ's was identically the same body living and dead? 3 - Whether backbiting is the gravest of all sins committed against one's neighbor? Article. 60 - OF THE LOVE OR DILECTION OF THE ANGELS (FIVE ARTICLES). 43 - OF THE CAUSE OF FEAR (TWO ARTICLES). Question. Article. 2 - Whether the Son of God ought to have assumed a carnal or earthly body? 2 - Whether Christ as man had the use of free-will in the first instant of His conception? 4 - Whether the Father can be fittingly sent? 1871–82. Article. The Summa's three parts have a few other major subdivisions. Article. It begins with God and His existence in Question 2. 3 - Whether schismatics have any power? 1 - Whether the passions of the concupiscible part are different from those of the irascible part? Article. Article. 6 - OF THE ORDER OF ASSUMPTION (SIX ARTICLES). Article. Article. Article. 2 - Whether man can teach the angels? 7 - Whether the intellect can actually understand through the intelligible species of which it is possessed, without turning to the phantasms? 4 - Whether the natural law is the same in all men? 3 - Whether custom can obtain force of law? Article. 2 - Whether in happiness vision ranks before delight? 5 - Whether the Philosopher suitably assigns the species of anger? 5 - Whether the angels know the mysteries of grace? 1 - Whether it is necessary to confess to a priest? 3 - Whether it was lawful to divorce a wife under the Mosaic law? 3 - Whether our intellect knows its own act? Article. 3 - Whether this is the proper form for the consecration of the wine: 'This is the chalice of My blood,' etc.? Article. Article. 1 - Whether the Son of God in human nature ought to have assumed defects of body? Article. 2 - Whether Christ is subject to Himself? 2 - Whether fasting is an act of abstinence? Article. Article. Article. Article. Article. 2 - Whether fear is a special passion? Question. FS, Q[109], A[10]], Question. Question. Article. Question. Article. 99 - OF THE PRECEPTS OF THE OLD LAW (SIX ARTICLES). Summa Theologica Theme. Article. Article. Article. 13 - OF THE POWER OF CHRIST'S SOUL (FOUR ARTICLES). 4 - Whether the just is absolutely the same as retaliation? 7 - Whether sanctifying grace is bestowed in this sacrament? 4 - Whether a woman can baptize? Article. 6 - Whether the matter of this sacrament need be consecrated by a bishop? 2 - Whether pain or sorrow is assuaged by tears? "The physicist proves the Earth to be round by one means, the astronomer by another: for the latter proves this by means of mathematics, e. g. by the shapes of eclipses, or something of the sort; while the former proves it by means of physics, e. g. by the movement of heavy bodies towards the center.". Article. Article. Article. 5 - Whether faith alone is the cause of martyrdom? Article. Article. Article. 1 - Whether the pains of Purgatory surpass all the temporal pains of this life? Article. 102 - OF MAN'S ABODE, WHICH IS PARADISE (FOUR ARTICLES). Article. 64 - OF THE CAUSES OF THE SACRAMENTS (TEN ARTICLES). Article. 3 - Whether water is the proper matter of Baptism? 2 - Whether in the state of innocence man would have been passible? His essence is actus purus et perfectus. 5 - Whether consent given secretly in words of the present makes a marriage? 87 - HOW THE INTELLECTUAL SOUL KNOWS ITSELF AND ALL WITHIN ITSELF (FOUR ARTICLES). 7 - Whether it is right to say that religious perfection consists in these three vows? 8 - OF THE WILL, IN REGARD TO WHAT IT WILLS (THREE ARTICLES). 2 - Whether passion is in the appetitive rather than in the apprehensive part? 7 - Whether circumspection can be a part of prudence? 3 - Whether the will moves itself? Article. Article. Article. Article. 3 - Whether corporeal creatures were produced by God through the medium of the angels? 1 - Whether superstition is a vice contrary to religion? Article. Article. Question. 2 - Whether the attaining of glory is an effect of this sacrament? Article. 2 - Whether carnal intercourse after consent expressed in words of the future makes a marriage? 2 - Whether the dead can be assisted by the works of the living? All law comes from the eternal law of Divine Reason that governs the universe, which is understood and participated in by rational beings (such as men and angels) as the natural law. Article. 2 - Whether magnanimity is essentially about great honors? Article. 2 - Whether sobriety is by itself a special virtue? 6 - Whether the human soul is incorruptible? Since no man on his own can truly live the perfect ethical life (and therefore reach God), it was necessary that a perfect man bridge the gap between God and man. 3 - Whether, by Penance, man is restored to his former dignity? 2 - Whether wife-murder is an impediment to marriage? Article. 6 - Whether love is cause of all that the lover does? Question. 2 - Whether a habit can diminish? 1 - Whether children born out of true marriage are illegitimate? Article. 6 - Whether it is requisite for fasting that one eat but once? 5 - Whether the heavens should have been opened unto Christ at His baptism? Article. Article. 1 - Whether Christ received His own body and blood? Article. Article. 8 - Whether these vices arise from covetousness? Question. 1 - Whether the virtues annexed to justice are suitably enumerated? 3 - Whether venial sins are removed by the sprinkling of holy water and the like? Therefore, three persons are to be affirmed in God. Article. Article. Article. 4 - Whether three fruits are fittingly assigned to the three parts of continence? 7 - Whether this sacrament has a form? 2 - Whether the notional acts are voluntary? Article. Article. Article. 3 - Whether the priest alone is bound by the seal of confession? 1 - Whether human virtue is a habit? 1 - Whether the nature of the ceremonial precepts consists in their pertaining to the worship of God? Question. 32 - OF ALMSDEEDS (TEN ARTICLES). Article. Article. 8 - Whether robbery may be committed without sin? Article. 5 - Whether theft is always a sin? 1 - Whether effeminacy* is opposed to perseverance? 3 - Whether Christ contracted these defects? 6 - Whether it is possible in this life to fulfil this precept of the love of God? 1 - Whether Christ's birth should have been made known to all? 11 - Whether a man ought to love his wife more than his father and mother? Article. 79 - OF THE EXTERNAL CAUSES OF SIN (FOUR ARTICLES). Question. (SEVEN ARTICLES). Summary Summa Theologica: The Purpose of Man. 54 - OF THE IMPEDIMENT OF CONSANGUINITY (FOUR ARTICLES). 10 - OF THE BEATIFIC KNOWLEDGE OF CHRIST'S SOUL (FOUR ARTICLES). Article. Is God its subject-matter? Article. 12 - Whether God can be known in this life by natural reason? [*Literally, 'to hold him']. Article. 3 - Whether the angels are more to the image of God than man is? 4 - Whether by being sanctified in the womb the Blessed Virgin was preserved from all actual sin? Article. Article. 12 - Whether the grace of Christ could increase? 8 - Whether it is lawful to add anything to the words in which the sacramental form consists? 3 - Whether the ashes of the human body must needs, by the resurrection, return to the same parts of the body that were dissolved into them? 2 - Whether fear makes one suitable for counsel? Baptism of Water, of Blood, and of the Spirit? The most accessible English translation of the work is that originally published by Benziger Brothers, in five volumes, in 1911 (with a revised edition published in 1920). TP, Q[64], A[6]], Question. 7 - Whether the act of the sensitive appetite is commanded? 3 - Whether these three are integral parts of Penance? Question. 7 - Whether one person can understand one and the same thing better than another can? Article. 5 - Whether reason should be reckoned a part of prudence? Article. A summary version of the Five Ways is given in the Summa theologiae The Summa uses the form of scholastic disputation (i.e. The thought is involved here by the fact that St. Thomas, like other scholastics, believed in creationism; he therefore taught that souls are created by God. 4 - Whether the Father and the Son are one principle of the Holy Ghost? 6 - Whether those things that are of faith should be divided into certain articles? 5 - Whether the accidents of the bread and wine remain in this sacrament after the change? 2 - Whether sin has an internal cause? 173 - OF THE MANNER IN WHICH PROPHETIC KNOWLEDGE IS CONVEYED (FOUR ARTICLES). 118 - OF THE VICES OPPOSED TO LIBERALITY, AND IN THE FIRST PLACE, OF COVETOUSNESS (EIGHT ARTICLES). Article. Article. Article. 4 - Whether sin incurs a debt of punishment infinite in quantity? 3 - Whether the hypostases remain if the relations are mentally abstracted from the persons? 1 - Whether pain deprives one of the power to learn? 2 - Whether it may have been lawful by dispensation to put away a wife? Question. 3 - Whether sorrow or pain weakens all activity? Article. 2 - Whether matrimony is fittingly named? Article. Article. 1 - Whether the demons' intellect is darkened by privation of the knowledge of all truth? Article. 2 - Whether it is fitting to distinguish six kinds of sin against the Holy Ghost? Article. Article. 4 - Whether the sixteen conditions usually assigned are necessary for confession? 10 - Whether the indulgences of the Church profit the dead? Article. Article. 3 - Whether it is possible to have patience without grace? Article. 3 - Whether matrimony confers grace? 3 - Whether there is only one moral virtue about operations? Opera Omnia, Paris: Vivès. 55 - OF THE MANIFESTATION OF THE RESURRECTION (SIX ARTICLES). 4 - Whether carnal intercourse is an integral part of this sacrament? Article. Question. 7 - Whether any pleasure is not natural? 4 - Whether God is supremely one? 8 - Whether this is true: 'Christ is a creature'? 4 - Whether anger requires an act of reason? Article. Question. Article. 10 - OF UNBELIEF IN GENERAL (TWELVE ARTICLES). 1909. Article. Article. Article. Article. 1 - Whether it is always sinful to wage war? 9 - Whether this name “God” is communicable? 2 - Whether it is always unlawful to give money for the sacraments? Article. Question. Article. Question. 1 - Whether a circumstance is an accident of a human act? Article. Article. 6 - Whether justice, as a general virtue, is essentially the same as all virtue? Article. Article. Article. Article. 5 - Whether it is lawful for anyone to confess to another than his own priest, in virtue of a privilege or a command given by a superior? Article. Article. 4 - Whether all the angels of the second hierarchy are sent? 2 - Whether it was fitting that the disciples should see Him rise again? Question. 4 - Whether vainglory is a capital vice? Article. 28 - OF THE VIRGINITY OF THE MOTHER OF GOD (FOUR ARTICLES). Article. Article. 167 - OF CURIOSITY (TWO ARTICLES). Presenting the reasoning for almost all points of Christian theology in the West, topics of the Summa follow the following cycle: God; Creation, Man; Man's purpose; Christ; the Sacraments; and back to God. Article. Since God is the first cause of everything, he is the cause of even the free acts of men through predestination. Question. Article. 2 - Whether all perjury is sinful? 74 - OF THE FIRE OF THE FINAL CONFLAGRATION (NINE ARTICLES). 1 - Whether the will is a subject of sin? 81 - OF THE CAUSE OF SIN, ON THE PART OF MAN (FIVE ARTICLES). 5 - Whether this sacrament is necessary for salvation? 3 - Whether in Christ there was ignorance? Article. Article. Article. 4 - Whether the angels differ in species? 58 - OF THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MORAL AND INTELLECTUAL VIRTUES (FIVE ARTICLES). 3 - Whether the judicial precepts of the Old Law bind for ever? 4 - Whether the woman was formed immediately by God? Question. 1 - Whether a person contracts affinity through the marriage of a blood-relation? 12 - Whether the moral precepts of the Old Law justified man? Article. 1 - Whether the moral virtues are connected with one another? Article. 4 - Whether Isidore's division of human laws is appropriate? Article. 1 - Whether the parts of temperance are rightly assigned? Article. Article. 7 - Whether passion excuses from sin altogether? 1 - Whether to live belongs to all natural things? Article. 1 - Whether the first man saw God through His Essence? 6 - Whether it is a mortal sin for a man to have knowledge of his wife, with the intention not of a marriage good but merely of pleasure? Question. 8 - Whether initial fear differs substantially from filial fear? 1 - Whether fearlessness is a sin? Article. Article. 3 - Whether any moral virtues are in us by infusion? Article. Article. Article. 1 - Whether matrimony is of natural law? 1 - Whether life is fittingly divided into active and contemplative? 3 - Whether the circumstances are properly set forth in the third book of Ethics? 44 - OF THE PRECEPTS OF CHARITY (EIGHT ARTICLES). Article. 1 - Whether an angel is altogether incorporeal? 3 - Whether respect of persons takes place in showing honor and respect? 2 - Whether confession is an act of virtue? Article. Question. 8 - Whether the religious life of those who live in community is more perfect than that of those who lead a solitary life? 6 - Whether the fire of hell is of the same species as ours? Article. 4 - Whether to be created belongs to composite and subsisting things? 3 - Whether use precedes command? 2 - Whether marriage can result from one person's consent to take another for a base motive? Article. Article. 3 - Whether a layman can baptize? 5 - Whether anything of faith or hope remains in glory? 1 - Whether six species are fittingly assigned to lust? 3 - Whether the union of the Word Incarnate took place in the suppositum or hypostasis? Theology concerns itself with knowledgethat has been revealed b… Article. Article. 2 - Whether obedience is a special virtue? 1 - Whether the motive of anger is always something done against the one who is angry? 3 - Whether human acts are specified by their end? Question. 2 - Whether sacred doctrine is a science? 5 - Whether the intellectual soul knows material things in the eternal types? 88 - HOW THE HUMAN SOUL KNOWS WHAT IS ABOVE ITSELF (THREE ARTICLES). Article. Article. Article. Article. Article. 1 - Whether men are under a necessity of precept to make oblations? Article. 8 - Whether he who raises anyone from the sacred font is bound to instruct him? Article. 4 - Whether whatever in the body belonged to the truth of human nature will rise again in it? Article. 1 - Whether it is part of a deacon's duty to baptize? 6 - Whether sinners who are going to be baptized are bound to confess their sins? 5 - OF THE EFFECT OF CONTRITION (THREE ARTICLES). Article. Question. Article. 5 - Whether prudence is a virtue necessary to man? 6 - Whether water should be mixed with the wine? 4 - Whether the duties of piety towards one's parents should be omitted for the sake of religion? Article. 6 - Whether by His Passion Christ merited to be exalted? Article. Article. Question.

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