seeing waterfall in meditation

spirituality. I’ll be patient and see if I receive a sign of confirmation. And then from my throat I thought it was the nick name of my grandma, but I couldnt swallowed anymore. The Pop Princess just shared another mind-blowing video from inside of her living room, where she is busting out a sultry dance for her millions of followers. xoxo, Dearest Gabby, Hi Gabby, Emotional relationships will be extremely peaceful and emotions will be at their high point. Britney Spears is having another in-home dance party, and this time she is doing it wearing the hottest outfit you have ever seen!. I’m worried I did it wrong or let the wrong spirit guide in. They were all together and happy. Plus, I always get busier day by day it feels like I’m getting further away from spirits everyday. Or just when you need guidance? Please help me I feel miserable. Thank you for this, this has really changed so much for me and I can be at peace now that I know my friend is with me. You can check out Gabby’s response here: Receive the gratitude and appreciation back into your heart. When you do the meditation, release your expectations and surrender the outcome. I meditated and followed your instructions thoroughly but I don’t think they were present. I’ve loved a few of your books that i refer to, and also your new audio book. The tears flowed. Nida, that is amazing! In addition to practicing this spirit guide meditation, you may also want to check out this blog post for more ways to connect to your spirit guides: Bless you. But today. If you’re not sure how to interpret this experience, you may find it helpful to return to your spiritual practice to ask for clarity. Sending love. You may also appreciate these posts as well: I hope this helps. This meditation will help you to invite them in and become aware of the guidance that is available to you. One thing you can do to drop expectations is practice patience. Then the words just flowed. Just finished your 2nd book during lockdown, now ready to order my third. I can confirm many Requests signs and connections that are amazing, so amazing. He was there he comforted me and apologized for not being there more for me. xoxo, Today I called on my spirt guides in meditation. Your email address will not be published. I was a bit cautious going into this mediation as have a really difficult time relaxing my mind sometimes, but I was blown away by it! This is my first time trying this meditation. I know how much they would love them. I’ve been practicing it regularly in the mornings and I am aligned 99% of the time! So glad that this meditation resonates for you. It was beautiful. But if you’re feeling uncertain, you can always return to the meditation to ask for clarity. This is a terrific step in helping you clear the blocks (fear, comparison, etc) that maybe be preventing you from connecting with your spirit guide. The energy gathered by the north-south axis is divided here into two parts. xoxo. It is the first guided meditation that I have done with you since experiencing Spirit Junkie and The Universe Has Your Back. I pictured myself dancing when I was calling on my spirit guide. I’m so glad the meditation is serving you. "... a most enjoyable time - beautiful grounds, great informative tour which included so many helpful hints about opening a coconut with a demonstration, and then … I didn’t know how that was going to just come from my mind, but it did. Would I overwhelm my guide(s) if I keep calling on them? I was crying and feeling the energy of my guides even before I started any of it! In this blog post I’m sharing my spirit guides meditation to help you connect with your spirit guides and receive clear guidance. Here are some additional ways to connect: While listening to stringed instruments, hear their composite central … Allow by Danna Faulds Allow. I asked my spirt guides for guidance but the messages still aren’t clear for me. I always surround myself in Divine white light and being thankful for their presence. xo. The journal writing was successful! By: David Whyte. Great work! I might try this again at a later time to get clearer. At first what I was writing came across as odd but I went with it. Idk why I am feeling scared to do this …though I really want to do this but feelings scared idk what should I do . Here are some additional ways for you to connect with your spirit guides: Nothing but love and encouragement from my guides. i see lots of colours I feel supported and guided to move forward in my journey of life and dreams. Just grateful to have found this, my guide and you! Is it normal to feel a little scared? When you did down to meditate, release your expectations and surrender the outcome. I heard many guides names, Sara Michael John , my dad. I have a question what if i normally meditate but i still cant connect with my spirit guides which i would love to . In my new book, Super Attractor, I teach you methods for manifesting a life beyond your wildest dreams. It seems like it is just my thoughts and not the spirit guide. ... morning at sunrise, saw deer along the river and mountain lion prints in the snow. I bought it and then I bought also super attractor! Following this meditation and free-write, take some time to process everything before you move on with your day. In the meantime, here are some other ways to connect to your spirit guides: Amazing, Judith. I finished your audio book where you explain how to connect with your spirit guides but I couldn’t quite remember what to do so thank you for also publishing it here. Try not to question the thoughts and feelings that you experience while meditating– just observe them. You'll be able to meditate to the sounds of tropical paradise, which sounds a lot like howler monkeys and … In the beginning and gradual refinement of the sound of any letter, awake.” “17. I did receive a beautiful message for my five month old son Oliver (I just found out when I finished the last chapter of your book that your son is called Oliver too! This meditation is a beautiful practice that will help you create a deep connection to the beings of love and light who are always here to support you. I usually take it as I need to meditate some more. You decide who you want to invite to the party that is you. “14. Thank your guides for their support, taking a deep breath of gratitude and appreciation. This dream announces a very fruitful period for business and personal matters. Robert Puff Ph.D. on February 8, 2021 in Meditation for Modern Life Inner peace is with us at all times. Continue to practice the meditation and trust that your guides will come through at the right and perfect time. After your meditation, open your journal. Make sure to give yourself at least a few minutes to get grounded before going back to your day. Plus we teach you valuable tools, techniques and processes for you to … And when I wanted to start the free writing my pen did not work, but if I was making lines in another paper it did work. Think about it like this: You’re throwing a party and you want only the most positive and loving people to show up. Here are some additional blog posts that you might want to check out: My dearest Gabby, They have been helpful. We feature … When I was done and did free-writing I thanked them anyway and told them to give me a sign maybe through my dreams. The spirit connection and messages is quite new. xoxo. I just wanted to ask if I do it daily would I establish a deeper connection with my guide or would it be the same if I call on them when I need support. Therefore, you make a guest list and are sure not to invite anyone who doesn’t support you. Question: If I cry a lot in the beginning is that not a great time to connect?, Finally, I also suggest checking out Rebecca Rosen’s blog ( and her book Spirited, as well as MaryAnn DiMarco’s book, Believe, Ask, Act. We can we find the mantra chants that you use in your book The Universe has you back. It brought me tears. Thank you, It sounds like it, Gabriela! I felt as if my arm was being lifted up from my body and I just had to surrender the control. Great question. Provide Everyone with Zen Swag Cultivating zen comes naturally when everyone has the proper tools. You can check out Gabby’s spotify which houses most of her music and chants: I asked for guidance and she told me to trust my knowing. Hi Jade <3 Do I have to have a question before I proceed with the meditation, or while free writing? I meditated for the first time ever in my life, and i as started listening to the audio. It’s totally possible! Spinning Orb Rock Cascading Tabletop Fountain, Zen Meditation Indoor Waterfall Feature with LED Light for Home Office Bedroom Relaxation. I did not know of you until I came across one of your articles online today and reached here to this meditation. xoxo. Then I didn’t notice any love and kindness witch made me feel ungrateful. I was writing in a used page, as soon as I started a new page, it was ok! I am so grateful to the Universe and my guides for allowing me to step back and write their message to me through me. I could feel all of my guides around me, holding my hands. This is the second time I have done this meditation. It sounds like you’ve experienced a miraculous shift. But this is just unbelievable. It was amazing, the hand writing that came out was so different to my own, and a bit difficult to read. I think it could be him, he used to make jokes to me. Our spirit guides do not always come through when we want them to. xoxo, Thank you Gabby for your inspiration. Telling me I am loved and worthy of happiness . You can revisit this meditation any time to strengthen your connection to your guides. Sending you big love. spirituality, Blogs Do you recommend doing them daily? Dreams about waterfalls represent a successful period that is ahead of you. Here are some additional practices that you might find helpful: So both qualia fade over time. Your guides are always present. When you get stuck in a fear-based thought or pattern, you can turn to your guides to help lead you back to love. xo. Similarly, welcoming your guides into your consciousness requires an invitation. @gabbybernstein. Hi Yuri, Through this message from the Universe and my Guides, I have been given a visualization to use whenever I feel anxious and lost from myself. I couldn’t. Similarly, welcoming your guides into your consciousness requires an invitation. Am I doing something wrong? I’m wondering if this was a voice from my guides, or just my own thinking. I felt an overwhelming sense of love and joy, and I even started crying. When you do, you’ll also get my Manifesting Jumpstart Workshop FREE! But, I’ve got to get some stuff accomplished … It made me very emotional when I connected with my spiritual guide. Thank you! I try to hear but I don’t think I do. There is no controlling life. Nancy, I think you will also find this passage from Gabby’s book Super Attractor helpful: “Being willing to connect with your spirit guides opens the door to guidance, but you want to be conscious not to leave the door wide open for any guide to step in. But, in this one, she is wearing little more than blank panties and a belly … Here are some additional ways to connect to your guides: what do i need to do please Yoga, Meditation and Sound Healing Therapy. xo, Gabby, Universe is so beautiful. ✨✨, Wonderful, Christine. hi, I just finished the meditation and I did my free write. People were having results in areas that I had not anticipated, … I don’t how, when, why out of the blue i started reading about spirit guide and how to connect with them,this morning . I just couldn’t stop. I could feel a cool sensation over my heart. You aren’t joking. Hi Lora, here is a passage from Super Attractor that you might find helpful: Here are some additional blog posts to read: I began writing a note on my phone out of nowhere but it wasn’t me. "Consistently ranked in the top 5 Montauk hotels for the past 10 years" Kenny’s Tipperary Inn welcomes you. Thanks for sharing your miracle moment! You decide who you want to invite to the party that is you. I wasn’t getting any answers and I taught it was because I was expecting too much. If you’re not clear about the type of guides you’re willing to connect to, then it’s possible to attract lower-vibration beings that do not serve your highest good. Thank you for this beautiful practice. One I commonly say is, Thank you, guides of the highest truth and compassion, for revealing to me what I need to know.”. I’m glad this practices resonates with you. I looked into this topic when I began noticing certain patterns over the past few days. I felt a warm presence I havent ever felt before., I love this meditation. Here are some additional ways to connect to your spirit guides: Dam a stream and it will create a new channel. I am in need of help. Your inner child represents your first original self that entered into this world; s/he contains your capacity to experience wonder, joy, innocence, sensitivity, and playfulness.. Also, I’m having trouble not thinking and telling myself what to write during journaling and I’m not sure how to stop doing that. Thank you! However not necessarily in answer to my question/area of interest. At first I noticed that energy in my hands felt strange. I notice many butterflies and cardinals also blue jays in my yard and those have always been my sign for loved ones who have crossed over. They are not physical and are not bound by the natural laws of this world. I really enjoyed it! Thank you, Gabby! This sounds like a powerful experience. I believe we all have spirit guides — spiritual beings of the highest truth and compassion working on our behalf to guide our thoughts and energy back to love. Your spirit guides are always near and willing to communicate- we just need to create the space for them to come through. Thank you for your teachings. I feel as though I have been lead to your teachings again for this purpose. Today, I was connecting to my spirit guides (not trough your meditation, I felt called to just do it how it felt right.) Since this meditation resulted in some discomfort, you may want to try journaling or one of these other ways to connect to your spirit guides: After I did this mediation, I felt relieved and felt calm. You cried, but still connected, and felt comforted. Thank you! I read alot of articles and i came across your website Ended up here on this one. Additionally, Gabby addresses this on the latest episode of her Instagram show called #DearGabby. So glad the meditation resonated with you. xoxo, Thank you Gabby for this beautiful soothing meditation and for your extreme generosity. xoxo. Think about it like this: You’re throwing a party and you want only the most positive and loving people to show up. Continue to practice the meditation and be gentle and patient with the process. On another note, I’m having very little problems getting into the dna meditation, but then I keep falling asleep and having the most lucid dreams. I got nothing. You can order the book now. sidebar That was a sign to me from Ewan. I am finding this journey amazing. But I am completely blown away by the connection made. I’m so glad this practice is serving you and that you’re feeling the presence of your spirit guides. Big love to you xoxoxo. I have already connected to my guardian angel and she knows how reluctant I have been opening up to my spirit guides and ascension team. But I live in a really busy environment with a tight budget so I don’t know how I will be able to keep doing all these things without losing balance. It has a letter E on it. Thank you, Wonderful, Diane! I am such a big fan and I don’t usually write these sort of things. It sounds like this was a powerful experience, Lora. So glad you’ve met your spirit guide. Perfect for relaxing and doing a little meditation. consistent on your spiritual path. featured Hi there, thanks for these instruction, i tried it and i have a wonderful expieriment, i’ve met my spirit guide, her name is Bibi i didn’t see her clearly, i just saw a light so bright just like the sun and i saw her eyes just like an owl’s eyes it’s was beautiful and i stared to saw some words and some sentences run through my head, and it’s all about my problem i got. is that possible, or was that just my mind making something up? Remember, they communicate with us on their time, not ours. Numerous other spots around their 14 acres, boast the classic garden lawn, bridges over the river and a large beach tree with aged stone surround. This sounds like a powerful experience, Jade. Thank you for reaching out. Joni, if we are anticipating or expecting something to happen, it may create an energetic block. Thank you so much for sharing this technique, I really feel like this is the start of a beautiful spiritual journey x, Wow, this sounds like a powerful experience, Emma. Thank you Guides, You’re welcome, Toni! You can return to this practice as often as you like. Wow this sounds like it was a powerful experience, Keka. Tweet: Through meditation you can connect to the wise and loving spirit guides who are always here to support you. So glad this meditation resonates with you. xoxo. Let your intuition guide you! It was such a beautiful experience! You can simply invite them to share any messages or guidance that they have for you. btw thank you again for your great work, stay safe! This is a common concern. At moment you said to sit in silence I saw something moving in corners of my eyes and it was becoming faster and my eyes started shaking and I couldn’t close them and it felt like I saw something but I am not really sure. xoxo, Lovely meditation but I am not writing anything, I feel a sense of warmth throughout the meditation – no message though, Glad you enjoy the meditation, Sue. meditation If you’re not clear about the type of guides you’re willing to connect to, then it’s possible to attract lower-vibration beings that do not serve your highest good. In addition to taking a dip in the refreshing waters of this waterfall, you can also enjoy rappelling and hiking here. Also voice inside my head was something I never heard and I know how my guides sound. <3 Thank you! Yesterday was my first attempt at your meditation process and I must say I was a bit surprised from the results of the writing segment. Patient people give off an energy of expansion, peace, and grace. Xoxo, Hi Tina. I have had a few thoughts come through, which are helpful. sidebar I am healing from a childhood of multiple abuses, including having lived with a “religious spirit” as a teenager that really tore us apart and had a voice of condemnation. So glad this meditation helps you feel aligned throughout your day. Wow this was an amazing experience. The meditation was constructed to slip under the formidable emotional and belief blocks that usually frustrate attempts to improve our situations and to facilitate immediate access to the special energies needed to create what we desire quickly and easily. Continue to practice the meditation and trust that your guides will come through at the right and perfect time. It says I am a star seed came from Sirius star……and a long paragraph about it…. I was immediately drawn to look at my candle next to me when I opened my eyes. I surrendered my expectations and I’m felt with joy but still, nothing happened. Or, by putting fingers in ears, hear the sound of sounds.” “15. Hi there, That is wonderful. Also I’m always confused on if it’s my head making things up and I think I might be blocking any connection by pushing it away unintentionally . You’re always being guided and protected– this meditation is a practice in creating the space for the guidance to come through. xoxo, I am trying to do this mediation but nothing seems to work, Hi London, I miss them so much and wish they were here with me to see my beautiful children. Big love to you xoxoxo. Unfortunately, we live in a society that forces us to repress our inner child and “grow up.” Therefore, you make a guest list and are sure not to invite anyone who doesn’t support you. Cost: Free (Meditation Trainer) or $3.99 (Meditation Studio) 2. i do no use it daily. I got a lot of “everything is ok” “no one knows what you do” and “the girls are ok”. Often when this happens, it’s a sign that our expectations are interfering. I’m so glad this meditation is serving you. I’m so glad this meditation resonates with you. I dont know what i am feeling right now. Last two times I’ve done this, I’ve been disturbed. Ask the universe to reveal to you the meaning of the message that you have received. I have just done the meditation, but all the way through I thought I don’t know what to write & for a few seconds I did just sit there. Thank you, Thank You, Thank You. health Hi, Gabby. When you’re ready, press play and follow my guidance. Knowing that there is a presence always supporting you will give you unshakable faith and strength. How should I contact them when I’m not feeling their presence even though I did ^ all of the above? Hi Nena, is it possible for my spirit guide to tell me about an experience they had? Use it whenever you’re looking for guidance or support in any area of your life. You may also enjoy this post about connecting with spirit guides: My medium mentors have taught me that the best way to begin connecting to our guides is to recite a prayer. Amazing, Izabela! My whole being opened up and was overwhelmed with tears of gratitude. I believe he wants to crossover but I have no idea how to help. This is probably normal so I’m not too worried about it. I have been reading The Universe Has Your Back, and I’ve been amazed at how light and lifted I have felt since following a few steps. I am absolutely stunned by the way I felt while doing it. You may also find it helpful to check out Rebecca Rosen’s blog ( and her book Spirited, as well as MaryAnn DiMarco’s book, Believe, Ask, Act. Whether you practice this meditation daily or not, you are always being guided and supported. Does that mean something? featured Vipassana Centre: Also known as the Dhamma Giri Meditation Centre, this is the largest Vipassana Meditation Centre in the world. Wonderful, Larry! at the end of the free writing I heard a a phrase from my dad that he used to correct my posture. I could feel my grandmother right beside me, (she passed about a month ago) along with a playful person named Flipper. But how do I know thats just not me subconsciously thinking that? I only recommend products and brands I passionately believe in, but wanted you to know that when I make a recommendation, I may receive a referral fee. Relaxing music with nature sounds of forest and zen waterfall for relaxation, sleeping, meditation music and yoga. Sending you big love. If we are anticipating or expecting something to happen, it may create an energetic block. xo, I have just tried this meditation to finally begin exploring my spiritual side that I have always known I had just didn’t know how to explore it. It is not unusual to need some practice. Hi Gabby, How do I get past this . I’ve dealt with depression for some time now and am looking for something that helps me to overcome these on and off again feelings of despair. The meditation author and teacher Leigh Brasington theorises that the first jhana has something to do with distraction. Bathe, in the centre of sound, as in the continuous sound of a waterfall. Thank you. You can call on your spirit guides at any time through this meditation. I carried on and felt okay afterwards and managed to free write in my journal, they were lovely words. xxx, Wow, Alice. My medium mentors have taught me that the best way to begin connecting to our guides is to recite a prayer. Thank you! "The grounds are lovely and filled with historical pieces from the bygone sugar cane industry, and the tram ride through the groves of banana, coconut, mango, and pineapple really showed a unique side of the island." I will definitely do these meditations often. X, Wow, Siobhan, it sounds like this was a really powerful experience. Great question, Danelly. After reading it it amazed me at how applicable the notes were to indicate there may be some truth to the presence of Guides. When we’re inspired- we’re “in-spirit.” xoxo. It got to this point where tears started rolling down my face . For the first time ever I have just managed to free write! So I started writing and after a point it felt like my hand was heavy as if someone was there. You don’t want to feel pleasure in response to pleasure, and you really don’t want pain in response to pain. Check out Gabby’s post, Beginner’s Guide to Meditation. It sounds like this was a powerful experience. xoxo. That vibrational frequency is exactly what our Spirit Guides respond to.

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