moon in gemini woman compatibility

Gemini Moon and Scorpio Moon are very different, emotionally. There will be not much of a fight, but your differences will make this partnership difficult to last. Libra will do this to keep everything happy and harmonious. You both have a good social life, so you are good friends, with hopes for a more stable relationship as a couple. They make admirable companions, however, and even without the romance they would enjoy a long, fruitful friendship. Moon Pisces has good intuition and understands emotions fully. They need to set goals and achieve them. Venus in Gemini Love Compatibility Love Matches With Other Venus Signs. You like mental stimulation, you are always curious and easily bored. You are different emotionally: Moon Aries is a direct Moon Sign who does not like games, while you love playing word games and not being too serious. Moon Gemini you and Moon Scorpio have a lot of issues to work out if you want this relationship to last. Scorpio Sun Gemini Moon – Personality, Compatibility One thing must be clear right away, and the Astrology should not be seen as the science, method, theory or whatever you want it to be, as a deterministic or fatalistic, it is even more than this. They have a great deal of understanding and respect for each other. But everything can be up for discussion in this love relationship. Gemini, you and Moon in Taurus may be attracted to each other initially. You have different needs and expectations in a relationship. They are always off on some new adventure. The most attractive strengths you have is your communication skills. Gemini Moon wants to go out on the town and socialize; they crave mental stimulation. Unfortunately, they will also dislike the same things. You do not need to as your partner will understand. You both get restless when things get dull. Moon Gemini-Moon Gemini You are attracted to one another’s wit, humor, playful intelligence, and mental agility. This will upset Moon Scorpio even more as they require someone who respects the dark emotions, and are willing to ride through the dark times. Definitely, it will take some time for them to get used to each other’s way because their viewpoints on love do not match. With romance added, it just adds a new dimension to their relationship. This role is usually filled by easy-going Taurus. Pisces Moon is threatened by Gemini's attempt to experience feelings as if they were just thoughts. However, the sign of Gemini is associated with chronic restlessness, and with the moon in Gemini, this agitation can afflict the domestic sphere. Your lack of commitment may see this pairing end, either drifted apart or suffer a major fight. You want to swim in the sea, keeping an eye out for bigger fish. It is easy for you to get together, but hard for you to stay together. They may feel there is a karmic tie between them. Virgo Sun Gemini Moon – Personality, Compatibility People usually show their sun sign traits to their surroundings which is their rational and conscious side of personality. However, when it comes to routine and mundane parts of life, both of you will experience problems. Virgo Moon will take it upon themselves to bring nutritious foods and healthy habits into the relationship. You, and Libra Moon sign can inspire each other towards a healthy, successful relationship. While Scorpio is a shy zodiac that is more reserved initially. If they can share enough interests and keep things lively, they may have a very happy relationship. Gemini moon and Libra Moon can be good friends, an efficient pair at work, or a charming romantic couple. You get along well when things are good. In love, a person who has Sun and Moon located in the Virgo and Gemini signs is serious, and without any tendency toward romance and adventure, he likes more long-lasting relationships (which of course also depend on some lives circumstances). They love to socialize and meet new people. They have similar motivations and desires, which makes this couple almost ideal. Natives with Gemini moon signs are ruled by Mercury so are born street smart and possess eccentric observation skills that amuse their closed ones. Moon in Gemini needs a partner who will talk with her, but she prefers to keep things light. They share a nice wit, a sense of humor, and they love to talk. You both can enjoy a relationship based on friendship and honesty. Virgo moon sign may be the one looking after you with healthy habits and food. They are very compatible in many ways. Together, as work mates you both achieve great things. But when it comes to a romantic, long lasting relationship, there will be struggles. The relationship is bound to become out of balance unless both partners are constantly working to keep it going smoothly. Your ruling planet -- communicative Mercury -- would find much fulfillment in Air signs Aquarius or Libra, feeding into your desire to talk up a storm about high-minded topics at almost any given moment. Moon Gemini you and Moon Pisces are not compatible, and will need to put a lot of effort in your relationship if  you want it to work. However, this may also annoy Virgo as they keep picking up after you. Physically, Taurus Moon may need more closeness than Gemini Moon does. Moon Gemini you have good organizational skills, and your open mind allows you to consider many options. Gemini Moon is more emotional, Taurus Moon is more physical. Share ... 12 Signs of the Zodiac Trends & Horoscopes The Sun & Sun Signs The Moon & Moon Signs The Houses By. The Horoscope is your primary source of astrology. Moon in Leo tends to take things more seriously than Gemini you, who loves mental stimulation and challenge. socializeit({domain:'',payItText:'Enjoy this page? If one partner becomes clingy, the other may feel stifled. But the biggest challenge is your emotional needs. They have a relationship based on loyalty and friendship. Aquarius Sun Gemini Moon – Personality, Compatibility The sun in our natal chart and the sun sign traits reveals our personality and the side of us that we freely demonstrate to others, while the moon sign shows the side of our personality that we are reluctant to share with strangers or people we don’t trust. They are more likely to discuss and analyze emotions than express them. Dreamy Pisces Moon may be offended when witty Gemini Moon makes a joke in an attempt to deal with all the emotion flying around. Gemini Moon, you tend to rationalize your emotions, trying to work things out by being emotionally detached, which works well for you. They get restless very easily and want excitement in their lives. Neither Aries nor Gemini likes emotional dependency and neediness. They do not have a whole lot in common when it comes to their approaches in life. If Gemini Moon can learn to take Pisces' feelings into account and understand their sensitivity… and if Pisces Moon can learn to appreciate Gemini's ability to be objective and rational, they can find a middle ground upon which to thrive together. They do share a passion for word games and other knowledge challenges. Gemini Moon and Gemini Moon will be able to understand each other perfectly. Virgo Moon is a perfectionist who isn't afraid to work hard to get what they want. Hence, the moon sign compatibility calculator says that you are not compatible for that reason. They are curious and need to be intellectually stimulated. See Also: These two are not well matched and may have a lot of challenges to conquer. They love to talk and make great companions for each other. Gemini Moon and Scorpio Moon may or may not work out. The stubbornness native to Taurus Moon is very frustrating to Gemini Moon. Your similarities create a unique relationship, while your differences are easy to work out. Moon in Cancer is a sentimental creature who thrives in a stable home environment; Gemini you are forward looking and love to travel. Gemini moon compatibility shows that you do not commit quickly, often prefer to swim around the fishes until the best one comes. Your differences grate on each other, and Taurus’ stubbornness and refusal to change may mean that Gemini, you have to make more concessions. It would probably be easier to list what these two don't have in common! They love tradition and they really don't enjoy going out. Here\'s how...',szColor:'',whatIsThisUrl:''}); If you like my site about Astrology Signs, please click on the Like button. They are both very curious and love to travel and learn new things. (If you have not logged into Facebook recently, a login window will open when you click on the Like button. This pairing can easily get unbalanced, so care must be taken that one person is not taken advantage of more often than the other. Gemini may find Taurus' nurturing personality alluring, but over time they may consider Taurus to be dull. On the good days, this pairing complements each other perfectly. There is a lot of communication and concessions for this relationship to last long. Sagittarius woman: Sagittarius woman is the one who adds fineness in her work. Chatty Gemini Moons are always moving from place to place, love interest to love interest! They are not comfortable with displays of emotion. You will settle down eventually, but you make loads of friends while you are searching. Cancer Moon wants to stay home in the cozy nest they have created. Facebook is a fun and effective way to socialize and network online. There may be some karmic payback taking place. Aries Moon Compatibility | Taurus Moon Compatibility | Gemini Moon Compatibility | Cancer Moon Compatibility | Leo Moon Compatibility | Virgo Moon Compatibility | Libra Moon Compatibility | Scorpio Moon Compatibility | Sagittarius Moon Compatibility | Capricorn Moon Compatibility | Aquarius Moon Compatibility | Pisces Moon Compatibility | Moon Sign Compatibility | They can both be a bit detached and unemotional. They tend to be a bit detached emotionally and may appear superficial. They both enjoy a good sense of humor; they both are witty and enjoy life. Gemini may not be capable of achieving this level. Witty and charming, you are a fun person to be with. Gemini Moon and Aquarius Moon get along famously. In order for there to be a successful relationship, Cancer needs to grow a thicker skin and Gemini needs to learn how to be a bit sentimental. New Moon Horoscopes for the Moon Signs. When you understand each other, this Gemini moon compatibility will be an adventure of a lifetime. The most attractive strengths you have is your communication skills. They often feel that Gemini just doesn't care. Moon Gemini, you and Moon Aquarius love excitement and adventure, and you will help fuel the passion Aquarius has to save the world. Gemini, you and Moon Leo love to have fun, you are both drawn to each other’s wit and charm. They are more disciplined than Gemini and they want to improve themselves. They are restless and get bored easily. Your active lifestyle may see you stretched a little thin. Gemini, you and Moon Aries may be best mates. Your charm and wit will allow both Gemini moon signs to be the life of parties. Love is all about accepting a person as he or she is. Your good imagination may worsen things, and you keep your mind occupied with myriad of activities. Gemini Moon finds it easier to relax and play than Virgo does. They are great at multi-tasking. It could lead to difficulties in this relationship. The fact that they can have a meeting of the minds means a lot to them. Gemini Moon and Libra Moon are a perfect couple. Gemini Moon loves to talk and be social with as many people as possible. This won't bother either one of them. Gemini is typically a Moon sign of sociability, charm and wit, and communication, while a Sagittarius Moon is cheerful, optimistic, enthusiastic and restless for a new adventure. Gemini grows through taking in more information while Pisces grows by letting go and trusting in a power greater than themselves. Leo Moon takes things more seriously. Please pay it forward. This may depend on how you react to each other. Your basic needs may make or break your relationship, depending on how well you both compromise. The Moon is always moving which means that we are all official Geminis once a month, even though you were born with the Moon in another sign. They are moody and sensitive and to thrive they need tender understanding and support. This pairing could work, but they really have very little in common. When it comes to star sign compatibility, it’s not all about Sun signs. Gemini you takes things less seriously than Moon Virgo, often try to make situations humorous. There is just the issue of commitment and the future. That makes Taurus Moon feel ignored, as the bull values commitment and constancy. Gemini treats emotions very lightly and Pisces feels them deeply. They share a playful manner and have a great sense of humor. Gemini helps fuel Sagittarius' passion, and Sagittarius keeps Gemini interested in romance. You might find Capricorn Moon a little dull, while they think that you are capricious; it is these differences that keeps a romantic relationship interesting. The Scorpion is an emotional moon sign, and will naturally relate when you show more of it. You both love to joke around, taking your emotions lightly because emotional displays make you feel uncomfortable. If you use Facebook, you will see your "Like" at Facebook. They have enough in common that they should make a great couple. They prefer comfortable routines to Gemini's flightiness. They prefer to keep their moon sign side to themselves or share it only with the people they consider very close. Gemini is focused on the future while Pisces dwells in the past. But they might tend to find your emotional detachment unfulfilling. You are a realist, Moon Pisces is a dreamer who thrives on emotions. For a business setting, your versatility is a bonus, along with your charm and wit. Pisces Moon Compatibility with Gemini Moon. There is a lot of compromising to be done for you and Moon Taurus to have a steady and successful long-term relationship. This couple will have a busy social calendar, flitting from one engagement to the next. Gemini needs variety, and Aquarius is unpredictable and novel. Gemini Moon and Capricorn Moon will need to work to make this relationship successful. Gemini Moon and Aries Moon make terrific companions. In this sense they can drive each other crazy. As long as they can work through their minor differences, this could be a terrific relationship for both parties. Scorpio Moon intensely loves or hates everything they come across. They can be the most impressive couple around when things are good. Logging in will register your Like with Facebook.). This works to make a nice balanced give and take in the relationship. They will feel the same way about many things. Moon in Gemini Gemini is the sign of the flighty twins. Both partners may find themselves stretched thin from overwork. Moon Gemini, you and Moon Cancer are different people with different desires. They have a relationship based on loyalty and friendship. Your tendency to seek out answers allows you to be well prepared in many situations. They truly want to be appreciated. Both sides will have to make an extra effort to make this pairing work well. Gemini Moon and Leo Moon are loyal friends to each other. There is minimal friction and Gemini moon compatibility with Libra will be harmonious. Charming, restless, disorganized, and creative, the Gemini moon creates a lively, fascinating, and emotionally chaotic persona. The bigger problem is that Pisces is shy and hates reality, while you Moon Gemini love new adventures in the real world. Gemini Moon Compatibility: Charming and Child-Like If you have the Moon in Gemini, your emotional satisfaction comes first and foremost from communication. Your analytical mind can make you appear emotionally aloof, as you prefer talking about your emotions rather than feeling them. Virgo Moon is a perfectionist who will see things to completion, they are more disciplined. Moon Gemini you and Moon Capricorn are quite compatible with each other, as colleagues or romantic partners. Libra Moon will focus on people and situations while Gemini Moon will leap from idea to idea. Sagittarius Moon may be more idealistic and philosophical than Gemini, but Gemini Moon has a knack for dark humor that Sagittarius just doesn't quite get. Both are impressionable in different ways; Gemini is sensitive to thoughts and Pisces is sensitive to feelings. Talking is how she bonds, but sharing juicy gossip, or an interesting fact, feels more comfortable than a deep exploration of feelings. Moon Gemini, you are passionate, charming and a realist. Please select a second Moon Sign from the drop down menu…. This pairing can result in a rousing success. Moon Gemini you and Moon Sagittarius may be compatible, but there is much work to do. This woman will very likely be attracted to younger lovers, partners, men. If you want to make it work you will have to meet each other halfway. Gemini moon sign, you may eventually feel restless in the relationship. Non-Facebook Users You need to create an account at Facebook before you can register your "Like." Gemini Moon is not comfortable with large emotional displays. Sagittarius Moon loves the idea of love and romance, your passion for life fuels it intensely. They are witty and playful with a terrific sense of humor. Gemini moon sign loves mental stimulation and keep thinking up new ideas and challenges. Gemini are least compatible with Scorpio, Taurus, and Pisces. If you can work that small problem out, you will have good long relationship together. The Sagittarius Moon may feel like they are restless, being kept in a close relationship by the Gemini Moon. Return from Gemini Moon Compatibility back to Moon Signs. Both Aquarius Moon and Gemini Moon share excellent zodiac compatibility, conquering the world one travel at a time. They are both fun-loving and have an optimistic outlook on life. These differences cause quite a bit of friction between the two. You both need a lot of mental stimulation and you thrive on talking and interacting with a wide spectrum of people. They both love a good adventure, and change is met enthusiastically by both partners. You will laugh off the crab’s moodiness, which makes you seem unsympathetic. This will lead to frustration and misunderstandings. On the good side, Gemini Moon's ease of networking with others can work in Leo's favor. Together, they’ll be the ideal social couple; Moon in Libra’s social instincts will balance out Gemini’s ability to entertain. She’s a freedom-seeker, an action-oriented individual who doesn’t do well with obstacles inhibiting her choices. This can become a bone for contention between them. They will make great friends as well as do well in a romantic relationship. A Gemini woman wants to be excited about a relationship and won’t stay in one if it doesn’t mentally or physically stimulate her. Even though this might seem like a contradictory personality, your strengths complement each other. Both partners are rational and love to reason things out. When it comes to a romantic relationship, things might get difficult in this Gemini moon sign compatibility. Back to Moon Sign Compatibility List. This partnership is usually all fun and games, but essentially both have to commit for it to work and not break up. Your similarities help you to understand each other better, because you are so alike when it comes to your passion sign. Their conversations are always stimulating. Moon in Gemini, you and Moon Aquarius are compatible because you get along famously. Somewhere in the middle they meet with imagination and irresponsibility. Moon in Gemini, you tend to say what you think about everything. Gemini Moon and Cancer Moon might get along. Copyright © 2008-2018 - All rights reserved. They are sentimental and want to nurture. They both love to roam so as long as they come back together and they will fly high. There are tiny issues that needs addressing, but you will find that your strengths support each other’s weaknesses. Gemini doesn't take life seriously, and may end up hurting Leo's feelings at times. You are both a rational Moon signs that you will be able to reason out every problem. Moon in Gemini, you are uncomfortable with Cancer moon sign’s emotions and moodiness, if you are even aware of it. It will take work, but they could make a lasting relationship out of this if they try. Your willingness to give and take makes this partnership a compatible one. They focus less on emotions than on thoughts. Gemini Moon wants to be intellectual and logical, solving problems with humor. You make a good team, as you can mentally challenge each other, your passion for word games will stimulate both parties. Moon Scorpio feels things intensely. However, Moon Gemini your dual nature will set off Moon Scorpio’s suspicions. Gemini Moon and Pisces Moon will have many challenges that will require some compromises. Following are the compatibility results of Gemini with the 12 Moon signs between a man and a woman: Gemini Moon Sign Compatibility with Aries Moon Sign Both of you are compatible in many aspects and can make a terrific couple. Clicking on "Always Astrology" (when in Facebook) returns you here. You feel more restless and keep yourself busy with multiple interests at the same time. Both are impressionable in different ways; Gemini is sensitive to thoughts and Pisces is sensitive to feelings. Gemini has a light, superficial approach to relationships that truly upsets Scorpio, who feels passionate and intense. They may have difficulty appreciating the other or understanding where the other is coming from. Gemini Moon is challenged by Pisces' erratic moods. Best thing to do is to set time to accomplish all the boring things before you set off to do the fun things. Realistically, Gemini Moon and Moon Scorpio compatibility is not too great. Moon Gemini you are also not a fan of Moon Scorpio’s control issue, and the intense jealousy. Both partners are interested in humanitarian causes and are interested in improving the future. Aside from understanding each other’s needs, Gemini, you and Moon Leo can make a good couple as you can have a lot of fun together. On the flip side, the Gemini moon sign’s need for mental stimulation can make them restless. Bonding with a Moon in Gemini woman requires one to understand her free-flowing nature, the essence of her inner self. Gemini can prevent Capricorn from overworking and teach them how to have fun. When the Moon is in Gemini in the birth chart of your lover, the emotions are backed up by a clever wit and talkative nature. But Gemini Moon, you might have to learn how to take more responsibility and help out Moon Virgo, who will be a matching partner in crime. The moon sign reveals our subconscious nature. Gemini, you and Aries Moon do not like emotional dependency and clinging partner. Gemini Moon is superficial and optimistic; Virgo Moon is pessimistic and critical. In fact, with this romance, communication is an essential ingredient for a successful relationship. Air Sign Moons (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius): Gemini is an Air sign, so the Air Moons can have the easiest time resonating with this New Moon energy. Gemini Moon and Virgo Moon are not very well matched, though they can make it work if they are dedicated to the relationship. Check Out: © Copyright 2021, All Rights Reserved |. Gemini Moon, you are outgoing and have two sides, bubbly and emotional. They can also be very demanding, but it is due to their need and ability to share deeply and to relish the closeness and intimacy that they crave. Romantically, there are some interesting issues that both astrology signs need to address. If you have a moon in Gemini, these are most likely your personality traits: This partnership requires little to maintain to go a long way. Graphics courtesy of Crystal Cloud Graphics & Amazing Animations, Gemini Moon compatibility with Aries Moon, Gemini Moon Compatibility with Taurus Moon, Gemini Moon Compatibility with Gemini Moon, Gemini Moon Compatibility with Cancer Moon, Gemini Moon Compatibility with Virgo Moon, Gemini Moon Compatibility with Libra Moon, Gemini Moon Compatibility with Scorpio Moon, Gemini Moon Compatibility with Sagittarius Moon, Gemini Moon Compatibility with Capricorn Moon, Gemini Moon Compatibility with Aquarius Moon, Gemini Moon Compatibility with Pisces Moon, Share this webpage with friends on Facebook. A little work may make this Gemini moon compatibility a fruitful and happy one. They are both very creative, and may find a common place to meet in this attribute. You can adapt well in situations, so you are a good work partner to have. Gemini Moon is restless, open minded, and hardly ever finishes what they begin. Virgo also takes on many projects, but they work on one at a time until they are finished down to every meticulous detail. They may find it worthwhile since they can easily be the best of pals the rest of the time they are together. Aries Moon prefers direct communication and doesn't like to play games while Gemini Moon loves word games and is often not serious when they discuss feelings and other emotional issues. Intellect meets intuition. Gemini Moons get the biggest boost of energy, and this can be helpful with Venus retrograde in your Moon sign, which has likely been slowing you down. Gemini Moon likes to flit from one activity to the next, socializing as they go. Can two signs be more different than Gemini and Scorpio? This could cause possible problems later on in the relationship as Taurus tires of this role. This is truly a charming couple. While they may tend to treat serious subjects lightly, it doesn't seem to bother them at all. They may be unaware of each others' feelings. Moon Gemini you and Moon Virgo have to make this relationship compatibility work, you are fairly compatible. Most of the time, this pairing will get along famously and complement each other well. But they fail to complete them. Gemini Moon and Sagittarius Moon are opposites on the zodiac, and they can get along extremely well… or not, if times are bad. You are passionate and loving to everyone, often mistaken as flirtatious, you are merely looking around until you decide to settle down. Each inspires the other to more creativity and success. In the list below, you can find out what the Moon sign compatibility is for Moon in Gemini. Capricorn may be able to teach Gemini some responsibility and discipline. Gemini-moon people are inventive, versatile, and open-minded. They are a bit uncomfortable with open displays of emotion.

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