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Vendread Flip Monsters’ Lock Turbo 2020 . This play puts Shiranui Squiresaga on board to pressure backrow while still setting up Shiranui Spectralsword in grave for next turn. So it is usually better to use one’s backrow on the second Gouki attack if Gouki Twistcobra is present. This section of the guide is divided into three subsections: Because of how many options there are after a good That Grass Looks Greener mill, the latter two subsections are by no means an exhaustive list of all possible plays. Bad Aim can be chained to the Witchcrafter spells when they add themselves back to hand in end phase to destroy Witchcrafter Madame Verre. User account menu. Shiranui Shogunsaga. A combination of Artifact Lancea + e.g. Forbidden Lance has a second use in this matchup in that it can possibly make an Invocation fizzle, similar to what happens when Artfiact Lancea is used. If one sees that the opponent is playing Bandit Keith with a thicker deck than usual (e.g. A lucky snipe on The Sanctified Darklord can swing the matchup heavily in one’s favor. Worth it? Keeper of Dragon Magic only has 1800 ATK, so the typical Shiranui Solitaire plus Shiranui Spectralsword combo from grave deals over 4000 LP damage from running it over. When this monster is sent to the Graveyard after being Ritual Summoned, you can add 1 Ritual Spell Card from your Deck to your hand and send 1 "Vendread" monster to the Graveyard! Nine-Tailed Fox can be great in this matchup to clear away monsters hit by Floodgate Trap Hole or Fiendish Chain. A smart opponent will recognize when their Invoked Purgatrio can get disrupted though and might instead go into Invoked Cocytus to slow play. Ballista Squad, Raigeki Break, and Divine Wrath – i.e. The first is its general use as a way to make one’s monsters immune to the powerful backrow that Neos - Invoked decks run, including Karma Cut and Raigeki Break. Things get complicated however when one does not mill Burgeoning Whirlflame. In this guide, I will introduce Skill that suitable to use in the Shiranui deck, Core & Tech cards, Strengths & Weaknesses, and some Matchups Information. However, if the second monster is indeed Spiritual Beast Tamer Winda, then destroy Ritual Beast Tamer Elder instead. Shiranui have Synchro Monsters for levels 6, 7, 8, and 10, with the levels 6 and 7 typically being used as bridges to synchro climb into the game-ending levels 8 and 10. Usually the things in this deck can still be used from the graveyard so the discard cost can easily be mitigated. If one does not open with an Artifact Lancea or Forbidden Lance, then another way to play around Invocation and prevent the opponent from using it to banish one’s Shiranui Spectralsword from grave is to actually not synchro summon on the first turn. Needle Ceiling is an excellent card for this matchup since HERO decks like to spam the board with monsters. Weakening the Keeper of Dragon Magic and Elemental HERO Brave Neos and rendering them useless allows one to just focus on dealing with the third monster slot, making it easier to build up resources and establish one’s board. pay me via paypal, I will send to you the decklist. Fiendish Chain can get around this – use Artfiact Lancea first and let it resolve, then Superheavy Samurai Flutist can no longer be banished to stop targeting effects. This stops the Lightsworn player from banishing anything to summon Chaos Dragon Levianeer. vs. Ballista Squad: Much like Shiranui, Gouki synergizes a lot with Ballista Squad, since the Gouki monsters can search one another when tributed off the field. Simply opening Shiranui Squire and Shiranui Solitaire in hand, and sitting on the Shiranui Samuraisaga made from Shiranui Squire for a turn leads into the following combos. Fiendish Chain. Keep track of how many spells are in the Witchcrafter player’s hand. The Duel Links Meta website is currently supported by advertisements. Note that Pumpkin Carriage protects Golden Castle of Stromberg from targeting and destruction, so one needs to deal with it first before using a card like Ballista Squad or Cosmic Cyclone to destroy Golden Castle of Stromberg. However, the biggest advantage Evolution has over Origin is its ability to mill your deck. This matchup can go either way, but favors whichever player techs more for the matchup. Duel Links This stops them from banishing Evil Eye of Gorgonio for a search. As of the July 2020 banlist, Shiranui Squire is now Limited 2, which restricts the deck from using other, powerful Limited 2 cards such as Enemy Controller. Option 1 only sets up a follow up play if one is able to discard a Shiranui Spectralsword after banishing Shiranui Squire. via a Shiranui Sunsaga direct attack) and get the Darklord player to below 1000 LP, then even though it was not lethal damage, it is likely enough to cripple their deck and steal the win. The Shiranui player can run cards like Karma Cut, Bad Aim, Fiendish Chain, and the usual Ballista Squad to deal with Witchcrafter Madame Verre, which is the main boss of Witchcrafters. This is because the Grass variant has more resources and ways to extend its plays after getting hit by Cybernetic Overflow. save. avoid activating monster effects too early. If one does not see an opening for him to get lethal, then it is typically better to slow play the game and just establish a board Turn 2 (see the above subsection on “Establishing a Board and Followups”). Read more. Each effect of Shiranui Samurai as well as the on-banish effect of Shiranui Spiritmaster is a hard-once-per-turn (HOPT). The opponent has. Thus, whoever gets out Shiranui Sunsaga first usually wins the duel. Yugi an… Once those two threats are dealt with, the rest of the Dark Magician core is actually very manageable for Shiranui. Using Shiranui Solitaire’s effect defensively with Burgeoning Whirlflame as mentioned in the “Playing Optimally with Burgeoning Whirlflame” subsection of the guide can come up often vs. an aggressive deck like Blackwings. Ghost Meets Girl - A Shiranui’s Story is worth considering as either a one-off tech in the standard, balanced builds of Shiranui or as an additional combo enabler in Grass variants of Shiranui, since, unlike That Grass Looks Greener, Ghost Meets Girl - A Shiranui’s Story can actually be run at 3 copies. (2) Establishing followup plays for next turn to push for game or get closer to winning the game. In general, these synchro monsters are good mid-to-late game options to summon with Shiranui Spectralsword’s effect over Shiranui Samuraisaga. Destroying and flipping down these tuners not only stops any synchro summons, but it also prevents them from using their quick effects later. One would use the skill and reveal Sphere Kuriboh to make Shiranui Squire plus Shiranui Spectralsword into a level 7 synchro summon. This is thanks to the large amount of tech space in Shiranui, allowing the deck to run hard counters to Elementsabers in Artifact Lancea and Forbidden Lance, both of which also double up as good generic staples. YuGiOh! 6 comments. Samurai Skull’s second effect can also be a form of passive protection against monster removal effects, since it will float into another level 4 or lower Zombie monster from the deck if removed from the field by card effect. essentially a free Offerings to the Doomed effect. Be careful playing too passively in this matchup, since Evil Eye can OTK out of nowhere if the Evil Eye player is low on LP. This includes all of the starter effects (i.e. Note that with the Feb 2020 banlist hitting both Spell Specialist and That Grass Looks Greener, this way to play Shiranui is no longer as effective. Duel Links V for Vendread Deck, How to Use, V for Vendread Deck Skill. This can give one an extra turn to establish their board before going on the offensive. One way to stop this is to use Artifact Lancea as soon as Witchcrafter Genni hits the grave; her effect banishes for cost, so waiting until she activates her grave effect will be too late. (3) It can modify what would normally be a Shiranui Samuraisaga summon into a Shiranui Shogunsaga summon if there is a Shiranui Spectralsword in hand to reveal for Level Augmentation. While initially viewed as a meme, Dragon’s Mirror is now worth considering as a way to unclog one’s monster zones if one does not own Ballista Squad. Vendread Shiranui: deck recipe [Dec 2020] | YuGiOh! The other key thing to keep in mind when using Burgeoning Whirlflame is the count of each Shiranui monster in grave. Similar to how the “Core Cards” section is formatted above, this section will differentiate between “early game” and “mid-to-late game” plays to emphasize when a certain combo is best used. a level 4 Shiranui non-tuner from hand to grave to synchro with a, Mid-to-late game, this effect can be crucial for unclogging one’s board of monsters hit by, Mid-to-late game, this effect can also be used to send monsters to the grave for, This effect is most often used for the deadly, This effect is by far the most important on-banish effect of all the Shiranui monsters, as it can recycle resources as well as extend plays. Stopping this recursion makes it easier to out grind Elementsabers in the long game. Dark Magician since it lets one use cards such as Ballista Squad to destroy the Dark Magical Circle immediately upon activation. Thus, Forbidden Chalice is best used on one’s own turn to stop Crystron Citree before Crystron Impact is set up in grave. One should only exhaust all their Shiranui Spiritmasters in grave on their own turn if they have a way to win that turn. When using e.g. Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror is self-explanatory vs. an all Dark attribute deck. Cosmic Cyclone used to be the universal answer to all these cards, but Shiranui unfortunately can only play it at 1 copy effectively now due to the July 2020 banlist. Turn 1, before she can get hit by Floodgate Trap Hole – can be incredibly advantageous here as she can use her effect to pick apart the opposing backrow. An even better scenario would be to stop the Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon synchro summon all together by disrupting the synchro materials with cards like Ballista Squad or Floodgate Trap Hole. Press J to jump to the feed. I only use 1 Glow-Up Bloom to make a combo with Slayer and take out Black Rose Dragon to burst the field, besides you have a move for more ritual summons. Blue Eyes is not a top tier deck that can get you into World Championship, but it is a good all around deck that can get you King of Games every season and at least top 10,000 every KC Cup(I made it on Sep and Nov). The other Shiranui monster to especially keep count of in grave is Shiranui Spiritmaster. Vendread. Chazz would be proud of all the archetype mixing. vs. a defensive Gouki Twistcobra play: Gouki Twistcobra‘s effect can be used defensively in two ways. ruling called “Turn Player’s Priority” that actually hurts the player who has the current turn in this interaction: Dark Cavalry can be chain blocked and destroyed with ease with Burgeoning Whirlflame plus Shiranui Spiritmaster. For that reason, Level Augmentation is the best skill for this matchup to turbo out Shiranui Sunsaga. Red-Eyes decks were very popular when they came into Duel Links, with the Zombie variant at the forefront. Typically, one wants to save these cards for when the Dark Magician player tries to use Dark Magical Circle to banish a key Shiranui monster. I got Invoked since I liked that box and DSOD. Note though that Spiritual Beast Pettlephin, as well as the other Ritual Beast main deck monsters, have a HOPT on being special summoned. Posted by 9 months ago. As such, all the Shiranui main deck, non-tuner monsters have dual effects that (1) help get Shiranui Spectralsword out of the deck and into the grave and (2) trigger on banish to enable further plays. Even though one might still take damage from Lunalight Cat Dancer, at least it will not be lethal damage from Lunalight Cat Dancer attacking twice. If "Revendread Slayer(s)" you control would be destroyed by battle or card effect, you can banish this card from your GY instead. Dark Magician than non-Grass Shiranui all because of one card: Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer. Doing so can first snipe away at a potentially disruptive backrow card to ensure the safe summon of Shiranui Shogunsaga and Shiranui Sunsaga. For more combo-focused builds, Ghost Meets Girl - A Shiranui’s Story is ideally used to discard a Shiranui Spiritmaster to grave and summon Shiranui Samurai from deck. Since all the Shiranui core monsters have effects on banish, Burgeoning Whirlflame enables some explosive plays with a loaded graveyard. Who ever uses this deck, go screw yourself. Then proceed with steps (4) and (5). It is typically very difficult to play around an early Blackbird Close, as the Shiranui archetype has little to no comeback ability if its initial monster effect gets negated. Siding in battle traps like Wall of Disruption and Drowning Mirror Force can mitigate the disadvantages of going second in this matchup. Their quick effects are particularly dangerous because they allow the Crystron player to summon Crystron Ametrix or Powered Inzektron on one’s own turn. Be wary though of the ATK boosts from Palace of the Elemental Lords possibly putting the opponent out of lethal range. A Shiranui Sunsaga in DEF actually stops Lunalights cold, since they have no way to deal with him outside of battle. - Yu-Gi-Oh! It has to be before Evil Eye of Selene resolves, since otherwise, that card will protect Medusa, Watcher of the Evil Eye from targeting effects. This is because their main fusion spell, Cyberload Fusion, is a HOPT and also costs a fair amount of resources, meaning they usually can only get out one big Cyber Dragon fusion monster per turn. Castle: Assault Event. Raigeki Break will stop his effect, if one cannot just negate it. Ignore the summon of Ritual Beast Tamer Elder and wait for the second Ritual Beast monster to be summoned. Meanwhile, Archfiend Zombie-Skull has a nice protection effect for all of one’s Zombie monsters on board, allowing one to do their combo plays without having to worry about e.g. Shiranui+vendread. skill). Crystron Ametrix is especially dangerous because its effect switches all of one’s Shiranui Synchro Monsters to DEF mode, and of course, all Shiranui monsters have a weak 0 DEF. Toggle ON with Artifact Lancea and be ready to activate it as soon as Evil Eye of Gorgonio hits the Evil Eye player’s grave. When interacting with a HERO player during their bread-and-butter combo, one wants to hold Ballista Squad for Vision HERO Increase when he uses his effect from the spell/trap zone. Furthermore, Samurai Skull lacks Gozuki’s secondary effect, which can banish a Shiranui monster to trigger an on-banish effect; this particular aspect of Gozuki is especially irreplaceable in Grass variants of Shiranui. Going second or later, this simple play results in a non-targeting spell or trap destruction with Shiranui Squiresaga’s effect. This is something one should always keep in mind when planning out their synchro climb. However, Needle Ceiling can only be activated when there are 4 or more monsters on the field, and so it is only really good against decks that spam the board, such as Blackwings or HERO. Alternatively, one can risk attacking into Superheavy Samurai Gigagloves if one has the backrow (e.g. Most of the time though, Doomkaiser Dragon will be stealing an opposing Shiranui Spectralsword to help synchro climb. Playing around Elementsaber Lapauila usually requires multiple backrow: one to bait the negate and another to actually subdue Elementsaber Lapauila. This spell also helps in the Invoked matchup as a way to potentially make an opposing Invocation fizzle. Burgeoning Whirlflame is an incredibly powerful card if it gets milled among Shiranui Squire and other Shiranui main deck monsters. Shiranui+vendread. shiranui is pretty busted in duel links tbh, they add these newer cards/archetypes but leave out the majority of cards and hand traps that counter them, its no wonder the deck is op rn. One can just destroy that fusion monster with the Burgeoning Whirlflame plus Shiranui Spiritmaster combo. Stat changes This card gains ATK. Thus, if one were to activate Shiranui Squire‘s effect to summon a tuner from the deck, then Dragon’s Mirror CANNOT be used as a followup, since one will be locked into special summoning only Zombie monsters for the rest of the turn. 55 [DECK] KoG with Vendread with an in-depth review! Join the Discord server (full access is not needed and is not granted by becoming a DLM Pro member). a Floodgate Trap Hole that was set on a prior turn. Night Beam: This card is nice in that it can snipe a Magician Navigation without giving the Dark Magician player a chance to chain it in response. The matchup is all about whether the Shiranui player can deal with these two cards, especially Dark Magical Circle. The ATK boosts from Evil Eye of Selene are permanent, so removing Evil Eye of Selene from the field will not reduce the ATK of the equipped monster. Fortune Lady Every is often a Lightsworn deck’s main line of defense and can be annoying because of her ability to revive herself and banish one’s monster. Is there a maximum number of duels in duel links with a friend? This makes Shiranui Shogunsaga’s attack come to a full stop because it is during the damage step. Doing so also means that one has to dedicate deck space to the Vendread cards, taking away the Shiranui deck’s strength of having flexible deck slots. Blackwings are incredibly vulnerable to early-game disruption, particularly from Ballista Squad, Bad Aim, Needle Ceiling, Floodgate Trap Hole, Paleozoic Canadia, Cosmic Cyclone, Forbidden Lance, and Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror: Ballista Squad can destroy the Blackwing player’s Black Whirlwind or normal summoned monster (if not Blackwing - Kris the Crack of Dawn) before Black Whirlwind’s effect resolves, thus stopping the search effect and possibly any more combo play. Alternatively, one can steal the opposing Shiranui Spectralsword and just pass if there are no further plays to make – doing so at least gets the Shiranui Spectralsword out of the opposing grave so that the opponent cannot use his effect. Fiendish Chain is the BEST card against Crystrons. RB is basically a stall deck with a win condition. Squire in the graveyard can be banished with Spectralsword's effect. In particular, Keeper of Dragon Magic is still a big target for lethal damage with Shiranui Shogunsaga. Miscellaneous Only once per turn. You can only use this effect of "Shiranui Spectralsword" once per turn. Ideally, one wants to wait on attacking directly until one gets out 3 large monsters. However, Gouki live and die by their backrow and floodgates, so if one can push through those, then the Gouki monster themselves are no real threat to the likes of Shiranui Sunsaga. Samurai Skull is arguably a poor man’s Gozuki, but has its advantages in some respects. Unlike Gozuki, Samurai Skull cannot mill again after it has been summoned, so it is far less effective at setting up the grave. Getting out Shiranui Sunsaga should be the main priority, as Shiranui inherently lack an actual out to their own boss monster. Keep an eye out for the following combo, as it not only gets Shiranui Samurai on board but also gets out massive field presence to pressure the opponent. Read more. One can chain Forbidden Lance to Invocation and target the Aleister the Invoker on the field – this prevents that specific Aleister the Invoker from being used for the fusion summon, potentially making Invocation fizzle if the opponent does not have another Aleister the Invoker in hand or grave. Use this opportunity to hit Lunalight Cat Dancer with e.g. This synchro climb also recycles Shiranui Spectralsword and puts it back in the grave for use again next turn, thus making Shiranui a very resilient deck that always sets itself up for follow up plays.

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