antispam bee vs akismet

Das Plugin ist rechtlich unbedenklich, schlank und zuverlässig.Antispam Bee verträgt sich nicht mit allen Funktionen des Jetpack-Plugins! Fortunately, it is module-based so you can activate only the parts that you need.Here are the bits of Jetpack that I think are most useful:– It can put a checkbox on your comment form to allow people to subscribe to the comments or your whole blog.Great information about website design. Mit einer Blacklist kann man zusätzliche manuell eintragen.NoSpamNX klingt auch interessant, ja. Diesen Aufwand sparst du dir mit dem Einsatz von Antispam Bee. Akismet vs The Top WordPress Spam Prevention Plugins. As a result of my research, I have accessed the free and ad-free Antispam Bee plugin. In other words, when you manually mark a comment, pingback or trackback as spam, AntiSpam Bee won’t take that into consideration, and you will likely to see more similar spams to appear. I hold your hand all the way through to launching your new blog. I’ve wanted to review Antispam Bee as a free alternative to Akismet for a while because I am very curious as to whether the free plugin could be as good as Akismet.The minute you put your blog on the internet is the minute that you become vulnerable to spammers. It can be used as a free alternative to Akismet; Antispam Bee is compatible only with the native WordPress comments system (not Facebook comments or Disqus) When you install Antispam Bee, don’t forget to deactivate Akismet if you already have it. The only downside of AntiSpam Bee is that, unlike Akismet, it has no ‘learning’ capability. Seitdem ich sie u.a. good comments that falsely get treated as spam; newer versions fill(ed) the database with statistics even for deleted comments (latest version probably fixes this); and there are discussions about Akismet no longer being free (especially if you’re new and need an API key).I elaborated more on all this in the German version of this post (see link above the headline); major reason for writing an English version at all is one more thing about a plugin conflict that might be interesting to non-German-speakers:One of the Bee’s most important methods for combating spam bots is changing the name of the comment entry field – it’s no longer called – they are at line 28 directly before the heavily-indented block that starts with In this code, you must replace the highlighted number Alright, any questions, suggestions, or opinions about my code or the plugins?Ich bin ja nach der ganzen Akismet-Diskussion auch zu AntiSpam Bee gewechselt. Und ich hab die Zahlen von Freitag und jetzt verglichen: NoSpamNX ist mittlerweile bei 245 “birdbrained spambots”, wie’s in der englischen Version vogelbeleidigend heißt, und ist damit um 19 mehr gestiegen als Antispam Bee im selben Zeitraum – das klingt danach, dass die Biene diese 19 durchgelassen hätte (und beide vmtl. Great plugin! I have been actively using the plugin for about a month. Most genuine commenters If you don’t have one, I recommend you Again, it’s worth experimenting with this option to see what works for you.If you leave this checked you will need to regularly clear out your spam otherwise your database will get clogged. Better than Akismet because it stops spam from ever appearing in your comments list. ein anderes Thema; solange IntenseDebate & Co. keine Umleitung per WP-Plugin bieten, wirst du wohl dafür einen Spamfilter brauchen – oder sie besser gleich deaktivieren. This website uses cookies so that we can give you the best experience.By continuing, you agree to their use. Ich bin ja nach der ganzen Akismet-Diskussion auch zu AntiSpam Bee gewechselt. Außerdem werden über die API-Schnittstelle datenschutzrechlich bedenkliche Informationen auf US-Servern gespeichert: IP-Adresse, Namen und Mailadresse der Kommentar-Absender.

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antispam bee vs akismet